Friday, October 15, 2010

Not about Blobby

There's been a decent amount of stuff going on in the Deck home.
Anais had homecoming last week. Which meant there was something going on every day. She dresses up every day through the week. It was especially hilarious on Ugly Sweater day. On Saturday, she had a parade, a football game, and spirit rally, and the dance. We did a lot of dropping off and picking up. Our cars are getting a lot of bonding time. I hate that we live just far enough away that walking isn't really an option. She's used to having public transportation, so it's hard for her not to be able to just get up and go. Her volleyball team is doing really well and they're going to conference. We still haven't really hit any big snags having her here. The hardest thing is enforcing the no French except for Saturdays rule. She knows the rule but still is emailing her friends daily in French. We aren't sure on how to call her on it without it becoming a huge deal.

Matt and I are doing really well. We've had a great time going on date nights and spending time togheter. All good on the couple front.the only thing bad right now is that his grandma is really sick. She's in the hospital and has been for the last couple of days. She's got pnemonia and multiple infections. She's on a feeding tube, which makes her angry and aggitated, which slows the healing process. His mom had told us that she doesn't think we'll make it to Christmas with her still here. This is Matt's last surviving grandparent.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm what you should consider a terrible person

So, yea, baby and all that jazz.
I am 10 weeks now, so there is supposed to be a decrease in nausea and food aversions.
10weeks = super queasy, upset stomach.
               =Vomiting when I drink water
                         without also eating something
               =eating small things every 2
                          hours so I don't get sick
               =being sleepy all the time- like I sleep
                          8 hours and then take at least
                          a 2 hour nap during the day
               =husbands sex drive has doubled
                          and mine has cut in 1/2
               =the inability to look at mayo
                          coming out of the jar
               =the inability to say no to orange
                          juice even though it makes
                          me feel yucky

I'm in a little less shock about the whole thing but I still forget I'm pregnant a lot. I totally forgot today until my boss asked me how I was feeling and I thought she was just worried I had caught her kids cold.
And then other times I remember for really bad reasons. For instance, yesterday my brother-in-law told us he would be moving out in the spring and my first reaction was to get extatic because I'll be like 8months pregnant when he moves which means I won't have to help at all. See, bad person.

I've been doing a lot of reading on parenting and "green" parenting. There is almost too many options at this point. I think our general philosophy is to not buy anything new unless we just have to. We both want to try and reuse/recycle family baby stuff. We don't care if it's not the most new model. We would rather save the money and help the planet if we can. We aren't planning on using traditional disposable diapers but I haven't decided if I'm dedicated enough to do cloth or if I want to do an all biodegradable, no bleach disposable alternative. We have friends who went both routes and they both swear by the way they went. So, I have a feeling that we'll do green disposable while it's in newborn sizes, since cloth diapers don't work as well when they are that small, and then upgrade to cloth once it can fit the diapers better.

I bet you all are enthralled by this. I know, I'm tunring into someone who has baby brain, but when you spend so much time sick or in pain you have to try and keep in mind the enjoyable things.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I'm pregnant. No, it wasn't in any way planned.

I haven't blogged in a long time because I was afraid of giving it away before I really wanted people to know. 

I found out August 26th. 
I'm about 9 weeks along. 

I went to the first doctor appointment and the measurements were right between two different markers, so she had to give me to EDDs. The first is April 25 and the second is May 2nd. I'm hoping for either May 4th or 5th. The 4th because then I'll get to make the "May the 4th be with you." jokes for it's entire life and the 5th because I think it was be really awesome to have a Cinquo de Mayo birthday.

I have a baby dream almost every night. It's always of a baby girl, but I think that's just because I really want a baby girl.

When the doctor was looking at the ultrasound she noticed that the placenta was perfectly round. Great, the kids already OCD. 

She also said blobby was perfectly formed and attached and that everything looked perfect. *phew*

My next appointment is October 13th.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Trying something new

I have a xanga but have been thinking I need something new and exciting and this might be it. I doubt this will be ready by very many people and very few of the people who stumble upon it will be that actually know me. That's how my xanga started and I kind of miss that. I can be more honest with things if I am not worried about the people ready the blog. I shall see...

This might be the perfect place to work on my book. keep track of all my ideas on her and then when I'm ready to incorporate them I can do that from anywhere. hum, nice